王子楽団 official web site


王子楽団 OGB Biography
Prince Angelo was born and raised on the earth. He currently lives in a small nation that you can't even find on the map called "The Secret Garden Island" with his butler Charlie, the band members, and his family.
Time passes much slower on the Island, with the gentle breeze on sunny days and a full of stars that bright up the dark sky at night. There may be some days with rain and storms, but that doesn’t seem to keep Prince and his company from playing their music on this island.
Not everything makes Prince Angelo happy, but that is why he has been grateful for everything and everyone around him. Sad things usually come and go while he is having good times with his favorite company and the sun starts to sing again.
If there is no storm, you never learn how the sun always brightens up our days.If there is no strong wind, you never know how many stars are there in the sky.
Prince Angelo talks with many things; With the moon, the sun, the earth, rain, wind, dolphins and whales.
And lately, his friend the Earth is not looking well. Because it is short of your love.
So the Prince couldn’t rest because he was worried. He had started a trip to send “The song that grows love up,” all over the earth with his butler Charlie and his band members, taking the large ship ”Jaguar”(84 payments remained) to help his dearest Earth.
With his butler Charlie and his band, Prince Angelo has started to tour to play his music that grows love and has been traveling on the earth. He has called the journey on the planet "tea time." (It is also known as "to live" on this planet.)
Whenever he holds the "tea time," the place turns into a paradise, and whoever there is becomes his invited guest to share the quality time as if they are in The Secret Garden Island.
According to Prince, it takes pistils and stamens to open up petals of love.Not even necessarily two different things. It can be a pistil and a pistil, a stamen and a stamen all you need is love of two.
Now let’s join his “tea time”! Let’s sing the songs that grow love with the Prince. Let’s dance together.
Check it out and you will find his Tea Time being held somewhere on this planet today.
- 10月26日(土)Da’an District
- 9月15日(日)YOKOHAMA ReNY beta